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Embrace Seamless Integration: Chrome Now Respects Your Android Password Manager Choice

TLDR; Google Chrome for Android now allows users to seamlessly integrate their preferred third-party password managers, putting an end to the browser’s pushy behavior and favoring its own password management tool. By enabling a specific flag within Chrome’s settings, users gain the freedom to customize their autofill preferences, enhancing their browsing experience and personal security.

In a digital era where security is paramount, the friction between Google Chrome and third-party password managers on Android devices has been a longstanding vexation for users. Historically, opting for a password manager outside of Google’s ecosystem meant enduring Chrome’s persistent nudges towards its inbuilt solution. However, a recent update heralds a new dawn of user autonomy and seamless integration.

In late 2021, Google initiated the development of a feature enabling users to select their preferred password management tool within Chrome for Android. This move was motivated by user feedback clamoring for a more flexible and less intrusive browsing experience. Fast forward to today, this feature is not just a theoretical promise but a reality, as highlighted by the eagle-eyed @Leopeva64 on Twitter/X.

The update introduces a Chrome flag, “Enable Autofill Virtual View Structure,” which, when activated, empowers users to designate their chosen password manager as the default autofill service in Chrome. This development signifies Google’s acknowledgment of the diverse preferences within its user base, offering a nod towards enhanced digital autonomy and security customization.

Activating this feature is straightforward. Users need to navigate to chrome://flags, search for “virtual view,” or directly access chrome://flags#enable-virtual-view-structure. A quick relaunch of Chrome activates the setting, granting access to a newfound level of autofill customization under Settings > Autofill Options. It’s worth noting, however, that this setting is device-specific and won’t automatically sync across multiple devices—for now.

This update is a testament to Google’s evolving user-centric approach, bridging the gap between proprietary and third-party services. It’s a step forward in making digital life less about the tools we’re nudged to use and more about personal choice and efficiency.


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