Keeping Android Auto Up to Date for a Better Driving Experience

  • 3 min read
  • May 22, 2024

TLDR: Android Auto updates bring new features, bug fixes, and security enhancements. Install updates manually or enable auto-updates for convenience. Join the beta program for early access to new features, but be cautious of potential bugs. Updating ensures the best Android Auto experience.

Android Auto is an essential companion for long road trips, providing a seamless connection between your Android phone and your car’s infotainment system. Google regularly releases updates for Android Auto to introduce new features, fix bugs, and enhance security. Keeping the app up to date ensures a better, smarter, and more connected journey.

Installing the Latest Android Auto Update

Android Auto comes pre-installed on all Android devices, and updates can be installed manually through the Google Play Store. Simply search for “Android Auto” in the Play Store and tap the update button when a new version is available.

If your Android Auto app is outdated, your car’s infotainment system will prompt you to install the latest update when you connect your phone.

Enabling Auto-Updates for Convenience

To avoid the hassle of manually updating Android Auto, you can enable auto-updates on the Google Play Store. This can be done through the Android Auto app page or the Play Store Settings.

From the Android Auto app page:

  1. Open the Android Auto page in the Google Play Store.
  2. Tap the three-dot menu and select “Enable auto-update.”

From the Play Store Settings:

  1. Open the Google Play Store and tap your account picture.
  2. Go to Settings > Network preferences > Auto-update apps.
  3. Choose to auto-update apps over any network or only on Wi-Fi.

Joining the Android Auto Beta Program

For early adopters who want to test new features before the general release, joining the Android Auto beta program is an option. However, be cautious, as beta builds may contain bugs that could disrupt your Android Auto setup.

To join the beta program:

  1. Navigate to the Android Auto app info menu.
  2. Join the beta program from the info menu.

The Importance of Updating Android Auto

Keeping Android Auto updated offers several benefits:

  • Access to the latest features
  • Fixes for system glitches and connection problems
  • Security enhancements and patches
  • UI refinements to adapt to new infotainment systems
  • Compatibility with changes to your device’s operating system

Stay current.

Enjoying the Best of Android Auto

With Google Assistant, Google Maps, Messages, and support for popular music streaming services, Android Auto provides a seamless media and navigation experience during long drives. To make the most of your car’s infotainment system, keep Android Auto updated and explore the top Android Auto apps available.

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