Epic’s Stand Against Google

  • 3 min read
  • Apr 15, 2024

TL;DR: Epic Games has proposed an injunction against Google to stop unfair practices in Android app distribution, aiming to open up competition and fair access.

A Call for Fairness

Epic Games has requested an injunction to stop Google from restricting third-party app distribution on Android devices. They argue that Google unfairly controls the Android app market.

The Details of the Proposal

Epic proposes that the court should:

  1. Allow third-party app stores on Google Play for six years.
  2. Prohibit Google from preventing device makers from pre-installing third-party app stores.

This, Epic argues, would enhance competition, benefiting both developers and users.

Google’s Response

A Google spokesperson stated their intent to appeal the decision, despite a recent $700 million settlement with consumers and states. They argue that Android provides a fair and open platform, competing against Apple’s App Store and other platforms.

Potential Changes

If the court agrees with Epic:

  • Third-party app stores could update apps just as Google Play does.
  • Apps could function identically to those downloaded from Google Play, without extra fees from 


The Background of the Dispute

The conflict started when Google removed Fortnite from Google Play after Epic introduced a direct payment option, bypassing Google’s fees.

Epic’s Request for Direct Communication

Epic demands that developers should be able to link directly to their websites for purchases and promotions, without Google’s interference.

Anti-Retaliation Measures

Epic’s proposal includes measures to ensure that Google does not retaliate against them or treat them unfairly compared to other developers.

Epic’s Broader Vision

Epic plans to expand its Epic Games Store to iOS and Android, promising a platform where developers receive a favourable revenue split. This move could challenge the current market dynamics dominated by Google Play and Apple’s App Store.

The Financial Angle

Epic highlights the cost differences:

  • Google takes 15% of the first $1 million in revenue and 30% beyond that.
  • Epic offers a 12% flat rate to developers, with additional incentives for those using their own payment systems.

Additional Protections for Developers

Epic seeks to prevent Google from using scare tactics or additional steps that could dissuade users from accessing third-party app stores. They suggest that any security measures should be as minimal as those used for the Google Play Store.

A Fair Play Promise

Epic’s vision includes a marketplace where all developers are treated equally, without any form of retaliation or preferential treatment by Google.

The Legal Road Ahead

The decision rests with US District Court Judge James Donato. Google’s response is due by May 3, and the outcome could significantly impact the Android app ecosystem.

Epic hopes that the court will enforce these changes, which they believe will create a more competitive and fair environment for app distribution on Android.

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