Apple working to fix silent iPhone alarms

  • 1 min read
  • May 2, 2024

TL;DR: Software bug causing iPhone alarms to not sound, leaving users oversleeping. Apple working on a fix, and suggests possible workarounds.

The bug causes alarms to not sound, leaving users oversleeping

A software issue has left some iPhone users sleeping through their alarms. The silent alarms have caused frustration and chaos for those who rely on their phones to wake up.

One user complained she set “like five alarms” that didn’t go off.

The cause and scope of the issue are unknown

Apple has confirmed the issue but hasn’t identified the cause or provided a workaround. The number of affected users and specific iPhone models are also unknown.

Potential solutions

While Apple works on a fix, users can try:

  1. Double-checking alarm settings and volume
  2. Disabling “attention-aware features” that may silence alarms when users sleep facing the screen (available on iPhone X and later)

Some users may need to resort to traditional alarm clocks until a resolution is available.

Not a new problem.

Silent iPhone alarms have happened before, with Apple releasing a fix in 2015. Other devices have also experienced similar issues.

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